Classroom Environment

Like any other school, Kings’ Education takes great pride in its displays and the celebration of children’s work. Displays should aim to promote standards and should be treated with care, consideration and respect. 

Work displayed doesn’t always have to be the best pieces produced and it is not necessary to put every child’s work up on a display. Work should be selected for different purposes and may be for one of the following reason:-

  • to promote achievement
  • to set an example for standards
  • to give recognition for effort

Displays of process showing initial to final piece is encouraged as well as challenges for the children. 

Overcrowding of work will detract from the quality. The space around pieces is just as important as the work itself.  Good spacing will draw the viewer to the piece.

Muted colours should be used to accentuate work and any labelling should be produced in the same colours as used to mount pieces.

Drapes/ pieces of fabric are a great way to bring colour into a display.

Artefacts, books, plants or other objects can be added to a table underneath a wall display or even on the board itself.