Living in Dubai
Living in Dubai

There are 7 emirates to discover and each and every one is worth the visit and very different from each other! From diving on the East Coast, to Jebel Hafeet in Al Ain, make the most of your down time and explore all that the UAE and Dubai has to offer.

Getting Started
Getting Started

If your temporary visa has arrived, this has been emailed to you already. If you have not received this do not panic – you can still enter Dubai on a visit visa. For those of you who have had a flight booked by Kings’, members of the Leadership Team will warmly welcome you at airport arrivals.

Discover Dubai
Discover Dubai

The UAE’s culture is firmly rooted in the Islamic traditions of Arabia. Islam is more than just a religion; it is a way of life that governs every aspect of daily existence, from what to wear to what to eat and drink.


What will induction be like at Kings’? The time during induction will include: Meeting the Leadership Team; Getting to know each other; Kings’ Education across all schools; Culture and History of the UAE; Priorities at Kings’; Creativity Planning; and Assessment

Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the visa process take to complete? To aid the process, the HR department and Arabic Secretaries will ensure you know what paperwork is needed and where you need to be for different parts of the application process.


Please make full use of this Kingsification website and visit it regularly. If you have any questions we have not already answered, or that you do not want to put on the forum, please feel free to email your school ‘buddy’.